Hangman Game on 8051 microcontroller
This repository contains the code for playing hangman game on pt-51 microcontroller (EE337 Course Project).
- Keil uvision
- Flip 3.4.7
- Realterm
- pt-51 board
- UART module
- Jumpers
Clone this repository
> git clone https://github.com/laddhashreya2000/hangman.git
> cd hangman
Open the project in Keil and compile it to get a hex file hangman.hex. Burn it on pt-51 microcontroller using Flip software. Interface the UART module with the laptop using Realterm.
How to Play
To start the game, press the reset button on the pt-51 development board. You can see the correct word on the Realterm window. Now, while keeping the Realterm window active, use your keyboard to enter any guess letter which will be displayed on LCD. The number of incorrects are displayed on the LCD everytime you make an incorrect guess. You have six chances to guess the correct word. To end the game, simply disconnect your microcontroller from the laptop.
Code files description
main.c – Contains the logic of the game
lcd.h – Contains the functions needed to interface LCD with pt-51
serial.c – Contains the functions for UART protocol to take keyboard inputs from the laptop
Created with ❤️ by Shreya Laddha